The Understanding of New Public Administration

AuthorHalil I. Ulker; Gulcin Karakoc
PositionProfessors Ph.D., University of Ankara, Turkey

Page 424

Globalization and the reconstruction of the state

Globalization is a word that has been often used for last thirty years. Some says that it is a tool for development, while the others say that it is a contemporary colonization. Either being positive to the globalization or not, globalization is a fact that is experienced and its being should be accepted. On the other hand, globalization did not begin –as it is believed- in twenteeth century, but it began in fifteenth century when the travel was first begun by ships among continents.

Peter Marcuse, in his article ‘The Language of Globalization’, gives fourteen different definition. These can be counted as followed; the improvement of information technology, the widespread of air transportation, financial speculation, the fast circulation of capital throughout the world, the transformation of the culture to the Walt Disney Culture, the actualization of widespread marketing, global warming, genetic engineering, the power of the multi-national firms,Page 425 the new international labor division, the international mobility of labor, the corrodation of nation-state, post-modernism, post –fordism. (Marcuse,2000) Additions can be made to the author’s definitions. However, we do not make additions in order not to make a more complicated globaliziation definition. We should accept that anything will be the same in the newly emerged global world or in the small village. The description of the globalization, its effects, the place that it takes the people will be discussed for a long time. In addition to this, as Hablemitoglu states, (Hablemitoglu, 2007, 16) Globalization is not only in socio-political analysis, but it also affects all the communal textures like the sector of cinema and music, new communal trends, art, the consumption behavior of the people, their thoughts and their individual attitudes deeply. Everyday, 1.5 billion dollars money change hand, millions of people change place... Business, trade and business life do not depend on land, place and time anymore. This is such a power that does not recognize any state boundary and state power. In other words, state is there to serve the power other than the ones in its boundaries. Governments take the local collaborator and facilitator role of global policy and economy. States and the relationship among states are shaped in economical axis.

People have established different communal structures, have formed different political,economical and cultural instutions, but the most radical change has emerged by the capitalism that is come into the stage in seventeeth century in West Europe. Related with this topic, modern “national state” is also the outcome of the capitalism.(Ulker, 2001,7)

Capitalism has both an economical and communal and political meaning. Capitalism emerged as process and economical contents like division of labor, specialization, consumption structures, sharing at first, and then, it becomes a life style that determines communal form and organization. Capitalism is a dynamic system. It goes in to the crisis in a circular movement and then it quits form this crisis after re-structuring itself. (Saylan, 1998, p.18-19) The last crisis is the one that began with 1976 Opec petroleum rate increase and has already continued with...

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