Complex Methods of Investigation of Money Laundering in the Integration Process

AuthorAnatolie Donciu
PositionLaw Faculty of USEM
Complex Methods of Investigation of
Money Laundering in the Integration Process
Anatolie DONCIU
Law Faculty of USEM
„It is easy to to break the structure of a well established castle,
but it is difficult to lay order in a bad organized castle”
Abstract: The pheno menon of money laundering affects in great part each state that is bo th a member of
the European community and is placed outside its frontiers. The adoption of some efficient measures of
fighting money laundering represents an international prerogative and in any way a p articular one of every
state sin ce the sovereignty of a country does not find recognition and respect among the criminals and
other ethnicities that practice destroying activities t owards the policy of society development. The
intensification of the stopping of this phenomenon appears as a logical necessity of the protecting of the
economy of each state both separately and of the whole communit y o f state s. The adhesion to the
international standard s, confirmed in treaties implies the assumption of some engagements by each state
with regards to the implementation of the efficient strategies that would annihilate the danger of the
„realimentation” of the criminal activity and of the neglecting of state as independent subject in the
formation and guaranteeing of the law.
The stopping of the phenomenon of money laundering, as well as the process of reducing of any anti-
social phenomenon requires educational measures in the spirit of intolerance, of preventing as well as
fighting measures. Yet we specify that in this situation an increasing effect is achieved namely by the
fighting measures that annihilate not just the process of money laundering itself but also prevent a
possible criminal manifestation of funds generating.
It is obviously that the operative and efficient investigation of money laundering and of authentication
of goods obtained through criminal ways has an especial significance for the integration process.
This fact is firstly due to all the terrible impact of this phenomenon on the national economy, especially
during transition period.
Secondly, possessing a transnational feature, the phenomenon of money laundering influences
negatively the economy of other states, including of the European Union countries, which have, or will
have further economical relationships with the Republic of Moldova.
And thirdly, the ignoring or the negligent attitude towards the process of repressing of this scourge
generates situations of advanced risk concerning the fact that the incomes obtained in the result of dirty
money laundering and of the authentication of the goods of illegal origin might be used at the financing
of the acts of terrorism.
Concluding the above mentioned facts it could be said that for the efficient stopping of money
laundering, especially within the process of European integration of our country there is imposed the
necessity of elaboration and implementation of some methodologies, of some special, complex
mechanisms of investigation of this transnational phenomenon.

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