Business Intelligence and E-governance

AuthorMarius Coman
PositionLecturer, Ph.D., “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

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The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the recent years has presented an opportunity for the IT managers and the senior officials in the government to change the way organizations leverage and value their information assets. With the ability to easy access of information mission delivery, resource management and data dissemination can be raised to levels which were previously not at all possible. In contrasts to the private industrial and business/government organizations are measured not by profits and losses, but by their ability to deliver upon their mission. Regardless of this mission, the ability to understand the citizen and the ability to use the resources are the key factors in matching services to citizen needs.

At times, government departments might have come across shortages or resources in one department and excess of resources in the other. This could be due to non-availability of proper data and facilities to disseminate information. Even if government departments are computerized and networked more for the purpose of Internet usage and mail transfer, the information available in one department, which possess the data could not be utilized in other department. This is because the information is stored in different formats, in different platforms and in heterogeneous different data base systems.

By deploying the latest ICT the government departments can not only maximize access to information, but also can bid farewell to the massive paper trail often associated with various government agencies. Rather than providing non-detailed information to uninterested constituents, the departments can now direct the right information to the right people at the right time. Further, the enterprise-wide information can be an asset to the government as well as to the entire population. This will help the departments in detailed micro level analysis and decision-making.

E-Governance System

E-governance is to governance processes in which Information and Communications Technology (ICT) play an active and significant role.

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E-governance is the application of information & communication technologies to transform the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of informational & transactional exchanges with in government, between governments, agencies of National, State, Municipal & Local levels, citizen & businesses, and to empower citizens through access & use of information.

E-Governance solutions are oriented towards helping government organizations transform into enterprise infrastructure-based end-to-end digital governments that:

• Build services around citizen's choice

• Make government more accessible

• Facilitate social inclusion

• Provide information responsibly

• Use government resources effectively

• Reduce government spending

• Deliver online services

• Involve citizens in the governing process

Governments are increasingly looking to cut down on operating costs and improve delivery of services to citizens and employees. The focus is slowly shifting towards giving self-service process improvements through online web based applications. The three main target groups that can be distinguished in e-governance concepts are government, citizens and businesses/interest groups. The external strategic objectives focus on citizens and businesses and interest groups, the internal objectives focus on government itself.

The major components involved in E-governance are:

  1. Government to Government (G2G);

  2. Government to Citizens (G2C);

  3. Government to Business (G2B);

  4. Citizen to Government (C2G).

Government to Government (G2G) - All the G2G interactions and dealings are required for planning, decision support and implementation of its action plans. The goal of the Government-to-Government (G2G) system is to forge new partnerships among various levels of government. These partnerships facilitate collaboration between levels of government, and empower state and local governments to deliver citizen services more effectively. The time gap can be greatly reduced once the E-governance system is in place.

It requires a single interface to government offices and staff, to effectively carry out functions like human resource management and financial resource planning in an integrated environment. Further, all government agencies to be linked through a modern computerized network that allows secure communications...

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